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紅隼無名18/11/24(六)11:02:27 ID:hIBzLhacNo.1010432del
一張圖,道盡我今日心聲= =
ガメラ @ 福岡派 + 全国制覇18/11/26(一)21:40:09 ID:saB2EJUQNo.1010700del
(Car Wars 2018.)


Mount a Vulcan Cannon to a Prius in 15 Easy Steps


This October, Black Rifle Coffee Company's Richard Ryan, who you may know from the popular YouTube channel FullMag, got the chance to fulfill a dream he's had for over a decade: mounting an M61 Vulcan cannon to the top of a Toyota Prius.

Step 5: Six years later, become friends with awesome people, the kind of people who can get their hands on a Vulcan stripped off a demilitarized F-16.
Thanks, Battlefield Vegas!
無名18/11/26(一)22:18:36 ID:BblgjstcNo.1010706del
無名18/11/26(一)22:56:17 ID:4/LE.Rz6No.1010718del
