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無題無名19/02/24(日)16:40:13 ID:AML0AkU6No.1019464del

無名19/02/24(日)16:42:18 ID:AML0AkU6No.1019465del
無名19/02/24(日)16:43:00 ID:AML0AkU6No.1019466del
ガメラ @ 金沢派 + 全国制覇19/02/24(日)19:26:03 ID:.bvfXX9oNo.1019482del

AERO INDIA: Tejas Mk2 gets canards, big payload boost


The maximum all-up weight will grow to 17,500 kg, up from 13,500 kg for the baseline Tejas, and the aircraft is 1.35 m longer.
The longer fuselage allows for more fuel behind the cockpit, and the Mk2 will be able to carry more drop tanks.

The extra length changed the fighter's center of gravity, requiring the addition of a forward lifting surface.
The ADA looked at a number of options, including leading edge extensions, but finally decided on canards, which also help with maneuverability.
The new aircraft also sees improvements made to the fighter's delta wing.

The Mk2 will be able to accommodate 6.5 t of external stores, up from 3.3 t for the baseline jet.
The new fighter will have wingtip hardpoints added for air-to-air missiles, as well as two cheek stations for stores or sensors.
