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無題無名19/03/03(日)23:08:50 ID:oadOZDIkNo.1020381del



I was able to get some data from our team on the foreign object debris that’s being experienced on the KC-46 line. It’s still to be determined how extensive and how far into the production line it goes,” he said.

“It boils down to process, culture and leadership in making systems. A trip to Boeing is almost certainly going to be necessary for me to approve DD250s again,” he added, using the Defense Department’s term for accepting an aircraft.

During a Thursday afternoon roundtable with reporters, Roper said that the Air Force had grounded planes for about a week due to concerns about tools and other foreign object debris left in the aircraft — a potential safety hazard. The issue was first reported by The Seattle Times.

Roper said then that early feedback from the Air Force’s on-site team seemed positive, and that the approval of two tanker deliveries was expected Thursday evening.
無名19/03/03(日)23:27:27 ID:5rhJBInsNo.1020383del
ガメラ @ 高松派 + 全国制覇19/03/04(一)18:14:59 ID:W1m6ZIz.No.1020466del

買飛機 送工具和零件,還投訴,這客官真難服侍。 (違
無名19/03/04(一)18:28:30 ID:RnGohLJQNo.1020473del
無名19/03/05(二)13:27:49 ID:r8ETL86cNo.1020567del
無名19/03/05(二)18:29:18 ID:ptA/j9/INo.1020595del
無名19/03/05(二)18:59:17 ID:z.6zsiYkNo.1020602del
ガメラ @ 高松派 + 全国制覇19/03/05(二)19:09:57 ID:Mku5aFKYNo.1020605del


Grounding the Ghost of Flight 401


The unexpected facts behind this famous ghost story from the 1970s.

And so, with no actual ghost reports having been made by any actual people, and no haunted components from Flight 401 having been installed in other planes, it follows that the alleged orders from Eastern Air Lines management to remove said components never happened either; as didn't the mechanics who performed the work and made cautious reports of it to Fuller.
The Ghost of Flight 401 was a book of nearly pure fiction, as was the TV movie that followed it.
Like so many such cases, its exploitation of a tragedy for financial gain and publicity was disrespectful to both the victims and the survivors.
無名19/03/05(二)19:20:51 ID:ZqBPM8AMNo.1020608del
無名19/03/06(三)00:20:37 ID:8bQvvrcYNo.1020630del
無名19/03/06(三)07:29:43 ID:5BRTnMYYNo.1020637del
無名19/03/06(三)10:50:44 ID:wHZp22kMNo.1020651del
