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無題無名19/12/09(一)18:38:00 ID:EdEH783UNo.1056045del

1. 廠商是Denel
2. 主任設計師來自達梭(國籍不明),設計受法國影響很深(但LERX很IDF/GD)
3. 引擎沿用獵豹機的Atar09K-50渦噴引擎,原始設計時的空軍司令是在韓戰開P-51的,他要的是單引擎戰鬥機;但繼任的司令是開海賊的,就把它改成雙引擎版以掛載更多炸彈(體型應該相當大隻),包括傳說中的南非核彈
4. 單引擎版的設計完成度相當高,只差沒有作出原型機
5. 發展計畫因為蘇聯瓦解,威脅消失而跟著取消

ガメラ @ 広島派 + 全国制覇19/12/10(二)01:09:43 ID:JKSuwaGkNo.1056128del


In the end, the delays were the project’s death knell, as external circumstances changed and the project’s rationale began to fade away.
The Angolan Border War, once the driver for the development of South Africa’s military capabilities, ended in December 1988 with a peace deal.
The Soviet Union collapsed in 1990 and by 1991 it was clear that South Africa was on its way to a negotiated transition and the end of Apartheid, after which the arms embargo would be lifted.
In the context of these developments, it no longer made sense to continue spending so much on developing an indigenous fighter and in February 1991 President FW de Klerk announced the cancellation of Project Carver.
