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军武 全部都是军武ガメラ @ 青森派 + 全国制覇20/01/13(一)18:41:49 ID:uFv9KFj2No.1059906del

幻の戦闘機「陣風」 加西で試作機の貴重な写真展


ガメラ @ 青森派 + 全国制覇20/01/17(五)22:24:56 ID:Yt5qaqRgNo.1060336del

Tuesday, 21 February 1939:

Indian Policeman Killed, Score Hurt;
Railway Damaged


SHANGHAI, Tuesday, Feb. 21 (U.R) - Japanese planes today bombed Chinese forces on the borders of Britain's Kowloon leased territory adjacent to the Hong Kong crown colony, and killed an Indian policeman and wounded a score of police and civilians.
A British military outpost was hit and several freight cars of the Hong Kong-Canton railway destroyed in Chinese territory near the border.
Nine Japanese planes participated in the raids which were designed to wipe out Chinese Kwangtung [Guang Dong] provincial troops who had entrenched near the British border.


Many bombs were dropped on the Chinese city of Shumchun [Shen Zhen] and some fell near a British outpost at Lowu occupied by the British Middlesex regiment.
Shumchun was ablaze at 8 a.m.
A train from British territory was bombed between Sheungshi and the border and a railway bridge near the border was destroyed.
The bridge was described as British property although it lay within the China zone.
ガメラ @ 青森派 + 全国制覇20/01/20(一)22:45:20 ID:QWjTm3PkNo.1060694del
Tuesday, 22 November 1960:




WACO, Tex. (AP) - Claude R. Eatherly, 41, pilot of the plane which led the first atomic bomber over Hiroshima, is missing from the Veterans Administration hospital here where he had been a mental patient.
Hospital authorities said Sunday Eatherly escaped from the institution Nov. 22.
Eatherly, who was deccrated for his part in the world's first atomic bomb raids on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, has been a mental patient at VA hospitals several times since his discharge from the Air Force as a Major in 1947.
He piloted a B-29 reconnaissance plane in the raids.
A psychiatrist testified in 1957 that Eatherly had a guilt complex and once said he felt responsible for killing 100,000 persons at Hiroshima.
ガメラ @ 青森派 + 全国制覇20/01/21(二)22:00:41 ID:F9dw1TjgNo.1060820del
Guilt complex = 罪恶感。

Thursday, 19 January 1961:


A-Bomb Pilot Back In Hospital


WACO, Tex., Jan. 19, Claude R. Eatherly, a. pilot who took part in the only use of the atomic bomb as a war weapon, is back in a hospital by court order for mental treatments.
Acting on a request by his brother, a county court jury adjudged the decorated World War II flier insane.
Its verdict capped a series of incidents landing him in jail the past eight years.

Nagging Guilt

Eatheriy, now 41, flew a reconnaissance plane just ahead of the 1945 A-bomb strikes at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
Psychiatrists say that as a result of the raids, the tall and affable Texan developed a nagging guilt complex, although he did not actually drop the bombs.
He once told Dr. 0. P. Constantine at the Veterans Adminsitration Hospital here he held himself to blame for killing 100,000 people in Hiroshima.
Eatherly, from Van Alstyne, Tex., left the Air Force in 1947 as a major with an honorable discharge.
The year before he was a pilot observer of Bikini A-bomb tests in the Pacific.
The insantity verdict forces Eatherly, a voluntary patient in recent months, to remain at the VA Hospital here in central Texas.
James Eatherly, a brother whose home also is at Van Alstyne, had asked the court last September to commit the wartime hero for "the protection of himself as well as others."
The ex-flier has entered the Waco Hospital nine times - of his own volition - since 1950, when he attempted suicide.
Eatherly received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his weather scouting flights ahead of the atomic raid on Hiroshima and the strike at Nagasaki three days later.
