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軍情動態》美國海軍無人艦完成發包作業 3年造首艘原型艦極超重度唯依控20/07/14(二)18:42:57 ID:ZknGXwV2No.1079996del

2020-07-14 17:40:24

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國海軍昨(13日)與國防承包商「L3Harris Technologies」簽下近3500萬美金(約新台幣10億)的訂單,將打造首艘「中等排水量無人水面載具」(Medium Displacement Unmanned Surface Vehicle,MDUSV)原型艦,且後續可選擇再造最多8艘同型艦。



美國海軍計畫發展無人戰艦的企圖心已久,在2016年4月便首先下水MDUSV實驗艦海獵號(Sea Hunter),同年6月22日便完成初步性能試驗,所有數據皆達到或超乎預期。
ガメラ @ 仙台派 + 全国制覇20/07/14(二)20:49:52 ID:j648OAikNo.1080005del

The Navy's Patent for a Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor Is Wild


A patent filed by the U.S. Navy last month claims to have developed a compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor.

Nuclear fusion has been touted as the ultimate energy source, generating enormous amounts of power with little to no harmful byproducts.
ガメラ @ 仙台派 + 全国制覇20/07/19(日)22:38:17 ID:M1WHVEkQNo.1080366del

Navy says 'absolutely' no chance new warship to be named after former Confederate Navy officer

A senior Navy official told Fox News it was a 'mistake' to list the name


The name “USS Brooke” was included on a list of contracts awarded on a Defense Department website Friday.
The name of the new class of frigate was released the same day Defense Secretary Mark Esper banned the Confederate flag by not including it on a new list of approved flags.

John Mercer Brooke once served in the Confederate Navy and was one of the first graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy in 1847.
