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(轉)Hyundai正考慮收購Boston Dynamics唯依狂熱者20/11/15(日)23:34:00 ID:LdpIcLRQNo.1094596del
據稱Hyundai可能正在與Softbank商談收購Boston Dynamics的可能性。目前雙方並沒有最終談妥,但消息來源稱交易的金額最高可能會達到10億美元
ガメラ @ 福岡派 + 全国制覇20/11/16(一)00:11:42 ID:k/ci//skNo.1094599del
三年后,Boston Dynamics赚钱了吗?


It’s no wonder Google sold Boston Dynamics to SoftBank


While Boston Dynamics has wowed the world several times over with its incredible robots that can do things like lift loads, jump higher than a human can and get up after it’s fallen over, the company hasn’t been able to build anything it can bring to the market, or earning its owner any revenue.
