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軍武新知》美F-15C追敵性能升級!「軍團莢艙」達初始作戰能力極超重度唯依控22/02/12(六)13:52:03 ID:Tn8UP0TMNo.1130608del

2022/02/12 11:40


美軍聲明寫道,此款紅外線追蹤莢艙稱為「軍團莢艙」(Legion Pod),能夠在傳統雷達科技無法派上用場的環境下運作,透過紅外線協助飛行員追蹤、迎敵,還可在偵測範圍外監控敵軍軍機行動,強化F15C的效率和主宰戰場的能力。

空軍少校赫曼斯基(Daniel Hermanski)表示,「在今日的空中戰場中,不是只有我們能夠阻礙對方的雷達,敵軍一樣有這個能力。軍團莢艙正是反制之道,讓我們有能力在競爭激烈的空戰環境中打擊、追蹤敵軍。」

無名22/02/12(六)18:14:52 ID:WqGc2T0ENo.1130620del


Luftwaffe MiG-29 experience

But when all that is said and done, the MiG-29 is a superb fighter for close-in combat, even compared with aircraft like the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18.
This is due to the aircraft’s superb aerodynamics and helmet mounted sight.
Inside ten nautical miles I’m hard to defeat, and with the IRST, helmet sight and ‘Archer’ I can’t be beaten.
Even against the latest Block 50 F-16s the MiG-29 is virtually invulnerable in the close-in scenario.
On one occasion I remember the F-16s did score some kills eventually, but only after taking 18 ‘Archers’.
We didn’t operate kill removal (forcing ‘killed’ aircraft to leave the fight) since they’d have got no training value, we killed them too quickly.
(Just as we might seldom have got close-in if they used their AMRAAMs BVR!)
They couldn’t believe it at the debrief, they got up and left the room!
