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鹰眼水上漂無名22/04/03(日)09:30:04 ID:euFvD1FMNo.1140635del
無名22/04/03(日)12:24:06 ID:D3wvYvhYNo.1140652del



1 Killed, 2 Injured in Navy Hawkeye Plane Crash


The Norfolk-based E-2D Hawkeye crashed near Wildcat Marsh, not far from Wallops Island, around 7:30 p.m. Thursday according to a U.S. Coast Guard spokeswoman.
USCG dispatched a helicopter and boat crew to the scene.
無名22/04/03(日)22:31:20 ID:D3wvYvhYNo.1140768del



Navy Identifies Sailor Killed in Hawkeye Crash Near Wallops Island


Lt. Hyrum Hanlon, assigned to Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 120 out of Norfolk, Va., died when the plane crashed near Wallops Island and Chincoteague, Va., on Wednesday, a Navy press release announced Friday.

Hanlon had almost five years in the Navy at the time of his death.
He was commissioned out of Arizona State University in May 2017 and reported to VAW-120 late in January 2021.
無名22/04/04(一)04:36:02 ID:JBDpjKCsNo.1140803del
無名22/04/04(一)06:51:18 ID:UdrFSwOwNo.1140811del
美國海軍1架E-2D先進鷹眼預警機(Advanced Hawkeye)3月30日在維吉尼亞州海岸墜毀,造成1死2傷。E-2D墜海的畫面近期曝光,機上高達4億美金(約新台幣114億)各式電子配備全都泡水。

根據《Defense Blog》報導,E-2D墜海畫面近期曝光,E-2D在海水中載浮載沉,水面已超過機鼻,估計機身內部已有進水,機上的各式電子裝備也因此泡水。美國海軍航空兵大西洋司令部發言人麥爾斯(Rob Myers)表示,這架隸屬於第120航艦預警中隊的E-2D預警機,在發生事故時正在維吉尼亞州瓦勒普斯島(Wallops Island)週邊執行例行飛行任務,因不明原因墜毀,詳細原因仍需調查。
無名22/04/04(一)09:09:29 ID:p/Ny7URoNo.1140816del

2019年, $3.2 billion / 24 = 每架 $133,333,333.


Northrop Grumman to build 24 more E-2D Advanced Hawkeye radar aircraft and avionics in $3.2 billion deal

April 11, 2019

PATUXENT RIVER NAS, Md. – U.S. Navy airborne reconnaissance experts ordered 24 new E-2D Advanced Hawkeye carrier-based airborne early warning aircraft under terms of a $3.2 billion deal announced Wednesday.
