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無名22/04/24(日)11:57:45 ID:0x/XEXdoNo.1143748del



There are rumors that a fighter jet can cook a rabbit 1 mile away by turning on the nose radar.
Is it true?


In fact, the continuous transmission power of the "Cyclone" A radar of the MiG-25 interceptor aircraft can be 5 kilowatts.
The electromagnetic wave emitted by the fighter radar is scattered like a flashlight.
Its energy is not concentrated and there is no narrow space like a microwave oven.
The electromagnetic wave emitted by the magnetron in the microwave oven is focused, and the microwave oven is a narrow space and the inner wall is coated with reflections.
Microwave coating.
The process of heating food in a microwave oven is not only through the microwaves emitted by the magnetron, but also through the special design of the inner wall of the microwave oven to maximize the use of energy by the internal reflection of the microwaves.
When the microwaves penetrate the food, they will continue to reflect on the inner wall.
The farther the electromagnetic wave travels in the air, the greater the loss, while the small space inside the microwave oven has a small natural energy loss, while the fighter's electromagnetic wave has a long propagation distance and the natural energy loss is large.
