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無題無名22/05/06(五)23:06:15 ID:umj3RxzINo.1144972del
有的日本薄罐頭尾巴也有塊板子22/05/06(五)23:08:36 ID:1XieBsmwNo.1144973del
無名22/05/07(六)00:42:13 ID:IhOInds6No.1144982del




My guess is that those small wheels kept the nose from digging in (best case scenario) or falling down so hard as to break the axle or springs (worst case), akin to the drum on the front of the US halftrack.
It didn't matter to the vehicle and crew whether this happened at a trench, creek bed, or hillock, the nose dug in or the axle broken put them at a heck of a disadvantage in combat.

Both Laffly vehicles variably featured the tiny extra wheels up front AND usually also a pair of those tiny wheels back under the hull/chassis between the front and rear standard wheels.

This latter feature has been utilized in a small number of post-war AFV - the most common being the Soviet BRDM series of 4x4 armored cars with pairs of retractable tiny wheels mid-hull on each side.
In both the Laffly and BRDM cases, these mid-section tiny wheels served to prevent "high-centering".
A somewhat similar arrangement, albeit with much larger mid-wheels, was seen in the post-war French EBR armored cars.
