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F35變身陸5代戰機 美首支抗中隱形練打中隊來了無名22/06/11(六)18:31:57 ID:ziwvltCcNo.1149171del
而主管第64侵略者中隊的第57作戰支隊(57th Operations Group)指揮官米爾斯(Scott Mills)說,奈里斯空軍基地已到了一個轉折點,正專注因應更高端的威脅、更高端的任務。他強調,練打戰機主要是針對中俄。但第 65「侵略者」中隊將把重心放在中國上,會盡可能模仿解放軍帶來的挑戰。而用F-35戰機來模擬敵機,可以讓飛行員訓練對抗敵方正在研製的隱形威脅。

此外,米爾斯說,第 65「侵略者」中隊所裝備的,將是早期生產的F-35A戰機,它們將不會用來戰鬥,但只要降低部分戰力,就能成為中方威脅的完美代表。
無名22/06/11(六)18:34:31 ID:ziwvltCcNo.1149173del
無名22/06/11(六)22:37:53 ID:RHPfGCb.No.1149191del


Radar cross-section effect of canard

Abstract: This paper studies the Radar Cross-Section (RCS) effect on canard configuration fighter of canard.
First, the scattering mechanism of canard is analyzed.
And then, the Multi-Level Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM) is used to compute the configuration’s RCS of the given fighter models.
And by comparing the computational results of both the canard configuration and the conventional configuration, the RCS effect of canard is analyzed, focusing on the RCS effect on fighter after the canard is rotated.
In addition, a full-size parts stealth test is conducted by researching the RCS effect on fighter of both edge scattering and gap scattering and respective inhibition measures.
The test results show that, after the scattering of canard is inhibited, the RCS level of canard configuration can be applied to configuration design of stealth fighter.
And its stealth capacity is comparable with that of the conventional configuration.
Finally, the guiding principles of canard stealth design are postulated.
