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記者杜撰消息來源 今日美國報撤稿23篇無名22/06/17(五)17:00:40 ID:HOjX0vr.No.1149902del
「今日美國報」移除23篇她自2021年春到今年春天的報導,包括一篇「這是我的土地,我要留下:這些選擇留下作戰不外逃的烏克蘭女性」(This is my land,I stay’: These Ukrainian women are among thousandschoosing to fight, not flee)。
無名22/06/17(五)23:40:37 ID:Dhp25dV.No.1149940del



Hello, I'm Gabriela! I'm a News Now reporter for USA TODAY, covering trending news nationwide.
Before joining USA TODAY, I covered education and the Hispanic community with The Gainesville Times.
I also worked as a general assignment reporter and editor for the student-run newspaper, The Red & Black and worked as a bi-coastal reporter for Vida Newspaper, a local paper in Ventura County, California.
I was partnered with the bilingual news outlet through the Google News Student Initiative program.
