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二戰的時候的加密通訊方式無名22/07/01(五)18:49:43 ID:rRv1JLWUNo.1151814del

無名22/07/01(五)19:26:45 ID:MFCDpxpYNo.1151817del
印象以前波蘭有科學家已初步破解恩尼格瑪. 後來波蘭將這些資訊提供給英國, 由科學家Turing先生率領的團隊, 後來研發出能快速破解更複雜恩尼格瑪密碼的機器.

但這位大功臣因為他是gay, 後來遭到英國政府迫害, 最後自殺(或意外)身亡.


日本有用自己想出來的置換簡單加密. 後來也有從德國得到恩尼格瑪自己開發的樣子. 但日本的情報很多都遭破獲. 像中途島之戰, 美軍用一堆策略, 確定日軍下場大戰的目標就是中途島. 於是集軍在那邊, 以大量戰機和一台航母的犧牲, 換來日軍四艘航母全滅.
無名22/07/01(五)22:19:22 ID:tJwGd6D.No.1151829del


Enigma - Allied breaking of Naval Enigma - Technical pages - German U-boats of WWII - Kriegsmarine - uboat.net

The British codebreakers at Bletchley Park received an Enigma machine and rotors I to V from the Polish Cipher Bureau in August 1939.
Marian Rejewski, an outstanding Polish cryptanalyst, had reconstructed the wiring of rotors I to III at the end of 1932 using mathematical techniques, and the wiring of rotors IV and V before the war began (he had also developed his bomba kryptologiczna in 1938 to aid him to break Enigma - an idea Turing later emulated).
The British recovered rotors VI and VII from the crew of U-33 on 12 February 1940, while rotor VIII was captured in August 1940.
無名22/07/02(六)00:40:54 ID:H.SCXfFgNo.1151864del



Today in Security History: Breaking the Purple Cipher


On 20 September 1940, around 2:00 p.m., a mathematician and former railway annuity statistician by the name of Genevieve Grotjan broke the codes used by Japanese diplomats by noting patterns, repetitions, and cycles used in intercepted encrypted transmissions.
That cipher was known as “Purple”.


Enigma T - Tirpitz
The Japanese Enigma - wanted item
