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P-63 collide with B-17無名22/11/28(一)15:36:02 ID:4/50D9r2No.1167486del
無名22/11/28(一)18:13:48 ID:.7o2BygYNo.1167487del
無名22/11/28(一)18:43:22 ID:/G/OOfjkNo.1167488del
無名22/11/28(一)18:44:59 ID:b8WORGzkNo.1167489del

無名22/12/04(日)17:52:19 ID:CylplVYoNo.1167811del


NTSB Releases Preliminary Report On Dallas Airshow Crash


The preliminary report found that there was no proper communication about the maneuvers performed.

According to the report, the air boss told the fighter formation to change to trail formation to fly in front of the bomber formation in the direction of the 500-foot show line.
The boss told the bombers to fly down the 1,000-foot line.
The report adds that the maneuvers were neither discussed preflight nor in the air.
The lack of discussion led to the P-63 King Cobra colliding with the left side of the B-17 while in a left bank.
無名22/12/05(一)21:27:11 ID:rW0droUYNo.1167858del
Spitfire Mk.IX 战斗机出售。


You Can Own this Flyworthy Spitfire IX, One of the Most Iconic British WWII Aircraft


Since then, Aero Legend has used the aircraft for various events such as air shows and film works.
It flew around 30-40 hours per year, and the buyer might continue operating the aircraft similarly.
That will sweeten the deal a bit.
After all, the TD134 is not a cheap toy.
The seller asks for 3.6 million British Pounds (4.42 USD) to part with it.
The airframe and the engine have 175.05 hours since overhaul, while the propeller has just 42.24 hrs since it was refreshed in 2020.
