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JASSM-ER最大射程為 900 公里無名23/08/29(二)23:39:20 ID:52PbO8OgNo.1199323del
日本打算為其三菱波音F-15J機隊配備AGM-158B/B-2 JASSM-ER,用於防區外攻擊。日本航空自衛隊的其他飛機,如運輸機,也可以配備導彈。(洛克希德馬丁公司)






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可以回憶一下2010年4月10日波蘭總統Lech Aleksander Kaczyński是怎麽死的,就可以推斷布丁可以自己飛出去擊墜飛機,和擊墜大廚的飛機一樣
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新华社东京12月24日电 综述:日本2023财年防卫预算大增引发担忧

  新华社记者姜俏梅 郭丹










無名23/08/30(三)20:05:11 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199460del
A recent proposal from Japan’s governing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) reportedly included a five-year timeframe to achieve its declared ambition of doubling defence spending to 2% of GDP. Opinion poll data suggests that the once pacifist-leaning electorate broadly supports a greater focus on military capability. However, there are concerns about whether Japan’s fiscal environment could support such a rapid hike in defence spending and whether the government can rely on sustained public backing for such an aim.

The LDP was re-elected in October 2021 on a platform that included the pledge to double defence spending as a proportion of GDP. In April of this year, the party’s Research Commission on National Security reportedly proposed achieving the 2% target over five years. Recent fiscal plans suggest the government is still pursuing significant uplifts in order to ‘drastically strengthen’ the country’s defences within five years. In his Keynote Address to the 19th Shangri-La Dialogue on 10th June, Prime Ministry Kishida stated his determination to secure substantial increases in Japan’s defence budget within the next five years but stopped short of recommitting to the 2% of GDP target. Nonetheless, the movement towards the 2% goal means Japan could potentially become the world’s third highest defence spender behind only the United States and China by 2027. Using IMFs projections, 2% of Japanese GDP in 2027 would come to JPY11.9 trillion (USD125 billion).

In November 2021, Japan approved a significant supplemental budget, known as the Defense-Strengthening Acceleration Package. This was done to bolster core defence spending for fiscal years 2021 and 2022 (FY21 and FY22). All this occurred against the background of recent news polls suggesting 64% – almost two-thirds – of Japanese voters support strengthening the country’s defences.
無名23/08/30(三)20:06:52 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199461del
Taking supplements
The official justification for the new supplemental allocation was the rapidly deteriorating East Asian security environment. Japan often implements supplementary budgets for defence in response to emerging policy requirements. But the scale of the 2021 addition was notable, reaching USD6.8bn in the context of a defence budget that has averaged USD50bn over the last decade. Without the 2021 supplemental budget addition, the FY22 budget would have reached JPY5.40trn (USD47.6bn) or 0.98% of GDP compared to the final allocation of JPY6.17trn (USD54.5bn) or 1.11% of GDP.1

It is also noteworthy that detail of the supplemental funding was included in the FY22 defence budget justification, whereas in the past such funding had been addressed separately in Ministry of Finance documentation.

The greater clarity is a welcome addition and may indicate an intention to incorporate supplemental funding for defence – which has been approved every year since 2015 – into the annual core budget. This would improve both the transparency and stability of funding for the Japanese Self Defense Force (JSDF) and enable better capability investment planning.
Uncomfortable environment
The LDP election manifesto highlighted the need to respond to ‘the rapid expansion’ of China's military capability and the ‘unilateral changes in the status quo against the backdrop of [China’s] strength’. Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has continued to reiterate the manifesto concerns in comments on the challenges posed to Tokyo by China, Russia, and what he described as unacceptable nuclear and missile development by North Korea. Responding to developments in new areas such as space and cyber, significant improvements in missile technology, and the particular requirements of island defence, Kishida pledged to quickly strengthen defence capabilities, including the option of acquiring the capability to attack enemy bases overseas.
無名23/08/30(三)20:12:18 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199462del
Greater reach
With these security concerns in mind, investment over the past five years has been aimed at improving the stand-off capabilities of the JSDF in addition to maintaining a drumbeat of ship, submarine and vehicle production. FY20 spending included funding for the Mitsubishi ASM-3 supersonic anti-ship missile, which is currently in tests, as well as for the acquisition of Kongsberg’s subsonic Joint Strike Missile (JSM). The ASM-3 is intended for the Mitsubishi F-2 combat aircraft, with the JSM earmarked for the Japan Air Self Defense Force Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The modification of the two Izumo-class carriers to be able to operate the F-35B variant of the Lightning II will improve the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force’s ability to operate at greater range.

Funding began for the F-2’s successor, the F-X, in FY20, and Japan and the United Kingdom have grown increasingly close due to their respective future combat aircraft needs. Media reports have suggested that the UK’s BAE Systems could be asked to partner with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to develop the F-X aircraft, effectively displacing Lockheed Martin. The extent to which Tokyo’s F-X and the UK-led Tempest combat aircraft project eventually align has yet to be seen. However, Rolls-Royce and IHI Corporation are already working on a next-generation engine technology demonstrator, while there is also cooperation on sensors and guided-weapons.
Potential pitfalls
The FY22 defence budget justification stated the country will allocate resources more flexibly and intensively ‘without necessarily adhering to existing budget and human resource allocation’. The risks associated with increasing military spending too quickly are the same in Japan as they are for any other country. More money does not automatically translate into greater military capability: it is an enabler only.
軍火商真的很需要北韓中國俄國之類的聯手推銷北約產品23/08/30(三)20:15:37 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199464del

Rapid increases in defence investment, if not handled carefully, risk disjointed procurement activity that could hamper the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of military capabilities.

The drive towards 2% of GDP has also prompted concern from Komeito, the LDP’s junior coalition partner. According to the Komeito party leader, Yamaguchi Natsuo, the public would be unlikely to back such a move should it require tax increases or social spending cuts and it would also contradict the fundamental aim of Japan’s post-war defence policy of maintaining a defensive posture and avoiding threatening regional stability.

Beyond these reservations, the main limitations are more fiscal in nature. Japan’s public debt has reached 263% of GDP, the highest globally. As debt levels and interest rates increase, the costs of servicing that debt will continue to rise and place growing pressure on public finances. Recognising the difficult fiscal conditions and public spending pressure, the 2022 budget stated that streamlining measures would be enacted along with efforts to harmonise the government’s other spending priorities. Whether the boost in spending is achievable within this budgetary environment remains uncertain, even if the intent of politicians in Tokyo is abundantly clear.

Note: The currency conversions in this text were made using the 2022 rate given in the April 2022 World Economic Outlook.

1Both figures include SACO (Special Action Committee on Okinawa)-related spending which aims to mitigating the impact of military installations on local communities in Okinawa.
而且由於多年的百分之一導致基礎設施崩壞等因素23/08/30(三)20:26:30 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199465del
Japan’s New Defense Budget Is Still Not Enough
FEBRUARY 08, 2023
Source: Getty
Summary: Despite Tokyo’s significant commitments to increased spending, its transition may be too slow to affect U.S. military planning or to reduce the U.S. regional defense burden.
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Japan’s recent announcement that it plans to dramatically increase defense spending over the next five years was greeted with praise and relief by U.S. policymakers. But while some enthusiasm is warranted, Washington should keep its expectations in check.

Japan’s new commitments are undoubtedly significant. It intends to raise defense spending to 2 percent of GDP by 2027, or 60 percent over five years. This will give the country the third-largest defense budget in the world. Japan’s new national security strategy explains how it will take primary responsibility for its own defense within five years and assume a far more active role in Indo-Pacific security. For Washington, which is eager for more burden-sharing on efforts to deter Chinese aggression and respond to regional contingencies, these moves are encouraging: a Japan able to take responsibility for its self-defense would reduce demands placed on U.S. military forces in the region and allow the United States to focus and prioritize its investments in Asia more effectively.
需要更多用於的硬件投資的資金23/08/30(三)20:30:51 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199467del
However, the Japan Self-Defense Forces—while more capable by 2027 than they are today—will likely still be dependent on the United States in many ways and limited in their ability to contribute to any regional crises well into the 2030s. Given U.S. Defense and State Department expectations that China may consider taking aggressive military action against Taiwan or elsewhere in the theater on an accelerated timeline, possibly before the end of this decade, Japan’s transition may be too slow to affect U.S. planning for regional deterrence and contingency operations or to lessen the U.S. defense burden in the region.

Washington will need to keep the pressure on Tokyo to stick to and even expand its defense investment further—for example, by making U.S. military assistance to Japan conditional on continued, larger increases in Japan’s defense spending in coming years.

Japan faces a deep investment gap, and its currently planned budget increases are too small and gradual to address associated consequences in the near term. Over the past thirty years, Japan has maintained an annual defense budget of about 1 percent of its GDP. This is below the 2 percent NATO benchmark and even further from regional counterparts such as South Korea, India, and Taiwan, each of which averaged about 2.5 percent of GDP per year over this same period. Decades of low spending have left Japan’s defense force with aging physical infrastructure, low munitions stockpiles, old and insufficient air- and sealift and refueling capabilities, and too few personnel due to recruiting and retention issues.
還需要更大的投資——例如增加防空以協助美國的行動,以及維持和供應能力以實現後勤支援。23/08/30(三)20:35:18 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199468del
Closing this investment gap will be difficult and take time. For example, the difference between Japan allocating 1 percent of GDP to defense rather than 2 percent from 2012–21 amounts to foregone spending on the order of $500 billion (in 2020 U.S. dollars). To fill this gap in the next five years, Japan would need to invest an additional 2 percent of GDP on top of planned increases just to offset one decade of underspending. An increase of this size would likely be politically unsustainable, but this comparison highlights how profound and long-lasting the effects of its low defense spending will be.

As it addresses shortfalls due to underspending, Japan will also need to build or acquire an extensive and expensive set of modernized and advanced systems, weapons, and infrastructure required for its self-defense against adversaries such as China and North Korea.

For example, Japan will need a reliable long-range strike capability and significantly increased numbers of long- and short-range air defense systems. U.S. Tomahawk missiles are likely to fill the long-range strike requirement in the near term, but Japan will also need to increase its supply of Type-12 missiles to bolster its defense against mobile naval targets for which Tomahawk missiles are ill-suited. Sizeable stocks of anti-aircraft and anti-ship munitions—which Japan has not typically maintained—will also be needed. Modernization of Japan’s amphibious capabilities and sea- and airlift assets will be essential for responding to Chinese aggression.
總之就是要感謝北韓中國俄國給日本這些機遇23/08/30(三)20:41:19 ID:SzWuFaggNo.1199469del
In terms of infrastructure, Japan will need to invest in advanced cyber and space capabilities, including new satellites. Airfields, ports, and highways require hardening and expansion to support more resilient operations. Resources to support enhanced capabilities and training for Japanese forces based in Southwest Japan and to stand up new command structures, including a permanent joint headquarters, will also be needed. Hardest of all, Japan will need to invest in rebuilding and restructuring its defense industrial base for indigenous production and export of arms.

This list of requirements is not complete, but it gives an indication of the enormity of demands Japan must fill if it is to take primary responsibility for its self-defense. For Japan to contribute credibly to regional contingencies like a defense of Taiwan, still greater investment—such as additional air defense to assist U.S. operations and sustainment and supply capabilities to enable logistical support—will be required.

Upgrades to and acquisition of new weapons and equipment, improvements to infrastructure, and reviving Japan’s defense sector will take years to complete, only yielding full benefits well-after 2027. Even with Japan’s new commitments, the United States should expect its defense burden in the Indo-Pacific to remain largely unchanged for some time.

This piece is part of the Renewing American Statecraft series.
無名23/08/31(四)00:33:38 ID:VGs8Igs6No.1199499del
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裁判非公开进行, 中国側没有透露哪些行为违反法律.




無名23/09/01(五)13:45:38 ID:9m.qXzLwNo.1199775del



新田原基地には2027年度までにF-35B 20機を配備する計画が示されていて、来年度は最初の6機が配備されることになっています。
無名23/09/01(五)22:14:50 ID:pOBOT.LoNo.1199869del
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陆自鱼鹰预防着陆, 变速箱内​​金属片.




無名23/09/02(六)13:16:31 ID:jHO1HLYgNo.1199958del




静浜飛行場 - Shizuhama Air Base [RJNY]

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey Bell Boeing MV-22B


陸上自衛隊 - Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
