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狗鬥變成體育競技會有人看嗎?無名23/10/31(二)23:23:05 ID:Nf1JyDu6No.1205076del
無名23/10/31(二)23:40:58 ID:Jukq.rMcNo.1205077del

無名23/11/01(三)00:54:55 ID:782qteqUNo.1205081del
無名23/11/01(三)03:00:03 ID:3F3mX1bQNo.1205084del
要整到能發揮極限性能 然後武器系統都管用 足以去跟人搏性命的程度 那才是難的地方
無名23/11/02(四)18:14:27 ID:e8WCuL2ENo.1205230del

在这里, 现实世界中.


Participants will engage in the most challenging of missions, Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM), where there are no breaks between engagements, rather the winner stays and the loser pays in a “King of the Mountain” type of scenario.
Just like the Sky Combat Experience, YOU FLY THE PLANE as your instructor pilot guides you to the merge! Don’t worry, you don’t need any flight experience, just a need for speed! Under the supervision of one of our expert combat fighter pilots, we teach you the art of basic fighter maneuvers, which will enable you to outmaneuver your opponent and get the kill.
The best part is all engagements are scored, so that the results are rank ordered to find out who is truly the Best of the Best.
Priced at $1,999 per person (plus a $180fuel surcharge), the Top Gun is guaranteed to satisfy the most hardened adrenaline junkies on the planet!


Fly real military fighter planes with licensed fighter pilots in the cockpit with them.
Plus, you fly the aircraft 90% of the time!
無名23/11/11(六)17:20:39 ID:TrzX/9h6No.1205672del
