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納干M1895無名23/11/21(二)00:34:22 ID:nAnXznncNo.1206084del
當初設計師為了解決左輪的氣密問題搞那麼複雜值得嗎? 反正左輪這東西漏氣就漏吧,用大顆點的子彈不就好了,那個獨特的埋頭彈感覺生產也很麻煩
無名23/11/21(二)08:34:18 ID:5n.8zqPENo.1206085del
無名23/11/21(二)10:29:20 ID:85Zsf69MNo.1206086del

無名23/11/21(二)11:04:02 ID:E7ExxMWUNo.1206087del
可以上滅音器 還不錯啊
過不了幾年就進入自動手槍的時代了 不然搞不好還有機會?
無名23/11/21(二)23:34:25 ID:UQdKNVpkNo.1206113del



This makes it quieter and more powerful due to better gas containment.
There are considerable trade-offs: the Nagant has an extremely heavy trigger pull, over 20 pounds in double-action and around 15 even in single-action, and the mechanism requires a fixed cylinder with a loading gate.
In addition, the expansion of the cartridge neck can make it extremely difficult to remove spent casings from the weapon; while the weapon is fitted with an extractor rod which swings out from under the barrel to push rounds from the second-to-top chamber on the right, it can sometimes require the use of a hammer.
It is notable that this is one of the very few revolvers that can be fitted with a sound suppressor and used effectively due to the gas sealing system.
