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無題無名24/12/05(四)21:31:26 ID:dvLFutvQNo.1225666del
糟糕国会赢 哀 太糟糕了24/12/05(四)21:55:54 ID:eJa3BBYUNo.1225677del
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1000公里, 佩服佩服, 欽敬欽敬.
糟糕国会赢 哀 太糟糕了24/12/06(五)00:29:46 ID:3T5lttVQNo.1225701del
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The R-37M LRAAM Set the Record for Longest-Range Air-To-Air Kill in Ukraine: How Do NATO and the West Compare with Chinese and Russian Air-To-Air Technology?


In late October a Ukrainian Sukhoi-27 Flanker, Soviet-era fighter, was shot down by a long-range air-to-air missile (LRAAM) – the R-37M.
This is not the first Ukrainian aircraft to be shot down since Russia's invasion commenced in February, but it is nevertheless a significant feat for the Russian Air Force because the R-37M took down the Ukrainian Sukhoi-27 from a range of 217 km (about 140 miles).
This would make the kill the longest on record.
The R-37M is a hypersonic long-range air-to-air missile (LRAAM) reportedly capable of reaching Mach 6 and striking targets up to 400 km (250 miles) away.
糟糕国会赢 哀 太糟糕了24/12/06(五)18:01:17 ID:3T5lttVQNo.1225790del
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US Navy Deploys AIM-174B, Longest-Range Air-to-Air Missile Ever Used


The AIM-174B missile stands out with an impressive range of 250 miles (about 400 kilometers), more than double the range of the AIM-120 AMRAAM, the standard air-to-air missile for American F-22 and F-35 fighters.
This extended range puts the AIM-174B well ahead of its competitors, particularly the Chinese PL-15, whose range is shorter than that of the AIM-174B, although the Chinese PL-17 missile can reach targets at a similar distance.
