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MP40的單發精確度無名25/01/05(日)20:04:24 ID:Ds4cLtJMNo.1229776del
無名25/01/05(日)20:20:25 ID:pELAYarkNo.1229778del


How accurate is the mp40?
Because it was pretty good. Firing 9x19, using a 10 inch barrel, and having an effective range of 100–200 meters, the MP40 was pretty accurate for a sub machine gun. But it's main weakness was it's slower rate of fire compared to other sub machine guns.
無名25/01/06(一)21:57:54 ID:5CytP1BINo.1229892del
中华民国会赢 哀 太糟糕了25/01/06(一)22:39:43 ID:9rka4GeINo.1229904del
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琐碎的追求: 正确的握法.


There are a number of common errors related to the magazine; the MP 40's straight dual-column, single-feed magazine was notoriously prone to misfeeding if used as a grip, and the correct grip is either to grasp the magazine well or support the underside of the weapon directly behind it (see how the masked assailant fires the MP 40 at Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark).
However, it is not strictly incorrect for an actor to grip the magazine, as a wealth of stock photographs exist of real soldiers holding their weapons in this way.
Additionally, the MP 40 magazine was prone to spring failures if fully loaded; rather than being loaded with a full 32 rounds, soldiers would typically use 30 or 28.
Video games will almost always show them with a full 32 rounds.
