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In The Navyシン・ガメラ17/05/09(二)22:43:44 ID:1xWuqj6YNo.936990del
(新 添马号。)


£287M for two more Royal Navy ships as work begins on the next


The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has signed a manufacturing and support contract worth £287 million to build two more Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) for the Royal Navy, safeguarding hundreds of Scottish jobs.

Minister for Defence Procurement, Harriett Baldwin will announce the contract today to build the two new ships, named HMS Tamar and HMS Spey, shortly before pressing the button at the Govan shipyard to cut the first steel on HMS Tamar.
マン・コジラ17/05/10(三)20:56:22 ID:P5yIOz/wNo.937111del

The Falklands penguins that would not explode


The minefields laid in the Falkland Islands were intended to kill or maim British soldiers, but over the last 35 years they have become de facto nature reserves for penguins.
For better or worse, however, the time has now come for their home to be demined, reports Matthew Teller.

The 1997 Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty compels signatories - which include the UK - to clear minefields in territory under their control.

Since 2009 the British government has spent tens of millions of pounds on mine-clearance in the Falklands.
Guy Marot of the Falkland Islands Demining Programme Office oversees a team of largely Zimbabwean operatives, highly valued for their long experience of demining in their home country and further afield.
