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無題無名17/05/15(一)09:28:08 ID:tTazzR9wNo.937583del
無名17/05/15(一)18:49:10 ID:pdgE7ybcNo.937625del
像MK12 5"/38倍徑從戰艦到民間徵集船都有裝,設計就是不管目標是什麼都可以打。
贴图机器人17/05/15(一)18:58:09 ID:cTzNFfeYNo.937628del

'Firing 40 mm calibre ammunition, the Swedish-designed Bofors gun was a fully automatic cannon intended primarily for use against aircraft.
It was first fitted to Australian ships during the Second World War, quickly becoming standard for most ships.
Some ships of the RAN may still be fitted with Bofors guns.

In the Korean War, there was little call for the use of the Bofors, but with a range of over two kilometres it could also be used in shore bombardments.
During her time as part of the Han River blockade, HMAS Murchison engaged enemy positions ashore on several occasions with her Bofors guns.'
