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無題無名17/05/27(六)22:17:51 ID:I3Ewjvb.No.939232del
Z贴图机器人17/05/27(六)22:33:10 ID:wvBObvY.No.939235del
(當風箏遇上風 ...)


Original Release: Oct 07, 2013
Updated Last Revision: Mar 17, 2017

'There were no stabilizing tail fins to make it look like a bomb; instead it contained a 3-foot-long strip of cloth, like a kite's tail, that popped out when it deployed, to prevent tumbling.'
無名17/05/28(日)00:01:05 ID:2uAhEQO.No.939246del
Z贴图机器人17/05/28(日)00:48:48 ID:gKdUhMqQNo.939251del
] 當風箏遇上風


'For further stability (as well as aesthetic value) a tail is often added to the back of the kite.
If the wind were to blow the tail from the side, the kite would rotate until the tail (and kite) lined up with the wind.
This allows the kite to remain straight and point in the direction of the wind.'
無名17/05/29(一)01:05:59 ID:biYk5PFANo.939413del
意思是說這種布尾翼 也可以用在火箭彈上?
無名17/05/29(一)05:06:26 ID:YKPWUxpkNo.939429del
