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可愛い子!発見!シン・ガメラ17/08/03(四)23:28:28 ID:5trtYk3QNo.951097del
(O Canada.)


CF-104 Starfighter Museum a labour of love

Posted on August 3, 2017 by Martin Zeilig

"The Canadian Starfighter Museum is dedicated to preserving the memory of the CF-104 Super Starfighter, its pilots, maintenance and service personnel as well as all those who served on Air Bases where the aircraft were operated.”
マン・コジラ17/08/04(五)11:11:53 ID:7aRcmBS6No.951153del

FACT: The KGB Shipped a Sidewinder Missile by Mail to Moscow


Fewer than 10 years later, the R-3S was in service with around 20 air forces around the world.
However, air wars in the Middle East and in Southeast Asia proved that the weapon was rapidly becoming obsolescent.
Thus, the Soviets were most delighted to receive the next AIM-9 variant - this time by post, and directly to Moscow.

Exploiting thick fog and careless guards, Manfred Ramminger - a KGB-agent in West Germany - entered Neuburg air base during the evening of Oct. 22, 1967.
Together with his Polish driver Josef Linowski and German F-104 Starfighter pilot Wolf-Diethard Knoppe, he stole an operational AIM-9 from the local ammunition depot and transported it down the entire runway on a wheelbarrow to his Mercedes sedan, parked outside the base.
贴图机器人08MS17/08/07(一)22:05:34 ID:BKUrtM.kNo.951660del
(哦 加拿大。)


'He deserves a medal': Parents thank soldier who saved their toddler


As Davey tried to give her son enough slack to breathe, she realized she wouldn't be able to call for help and keep the seatbelt from reverting to its deathly grip at the same time.

"Suddenly this car pulled up and this young man in [a military uniform] jumped out," recounted Wallace on Saturday.
"He said 'I got a knife, I can cut the seatbelt.'"

Within seconds, the toddler was free and screaming in his mother's arms.

Cpl. Shane Chafe said he was just at the right place at the right time.
