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軍武シン・ガメラ17/08/07(一)14:30:15 ID:Kq1yDUNANo.951565del


Discovery of lost WW2 Mosquito plans will allow 'Wooden Wonder' to fly again


More than 20,000 wartime Mosquito engineering drawings and diagrams have been found in the corner of a wartime factory just days before bulldozers were due to flatten it.
シン・ガメラ17/08/07(一)14:31:46 ID:Kq1yDUNANo.951566del
The archive includes what are thought to be the world’s only complete set of engineering drawings for the plane, as well as details of variants that never made it off the drawing board.

The drawings, on microfilm cards, have been donated to a charity hoping to restore and fly a crashed version of the versatile, twin-engined, de Havilland aircraft.
贴图机器人08MS17/08/07(一)18:36:10 ID:BKUrtM.kNo.951599del
] donated to a charity


The People's Mosquito - To Fly ~ To Educate ~ To Remember
