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可愛い子!発見!シン・ガメラ17/08/25(五)19:00:51 ID:dCP48kCgNo.955313del


Syria war: Meeting Syria's generals in the desert


"We're hell-bent on victory," vows the the second Syrian general we meet in Sukhna.
Commanding officer on this eastern front Gen Mohamed Khaddour takes the wheel himself to drive us to their new forward firing position about 10 km (six miles) outside the town.

As the Gen Khaddour huddles with his men to assess the strikes, Russian special forces join the discussion, their faces obscured by woollen masks in the presence of journalists.
The Russians put a stop to any filming while they are in sight.
贴图机器人08MS17/08/25(五)23:16:10 ID:dCP48kCgNo.955361del


Syrian Military Jet Crashes in Suwayda Province - Source


A Syrian military aircraft has crashed in the country's southern Suwayda province, a Syrian military source told Sputnik on Tuesday.
