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無題無名17/09/25(一)05:42:36 ID:IhdR8WwwNo.960088del

マン・コジラ17/09/25(一)15:15:20 ID:94kjIrIQNo.960145del
"Commander, both our ships are ready to fight.
We have two extremely powerful and destructive arsenals at our command.
Our next actions will have serious repercussions.
We have reason to mistrust one another but even better reason to set
those differences aside.
Of course, the question is, who will take the initiative? Who will make
the first gesture of trust? The answer is, I will.
I must lower our shields to beam those men up from the planet's surface.
Once the shields are down, you will of course have the opportunity to
fire on us.
If you do, you will destroy not only the Enterprise and its crew, but
the cease fire that the Romulans and the Federation now enjoy."
- Picard to Tomalak
