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R.I.P.シン・ガメラ17/10/15(日)00:41:51 ID:Xf4fvesMNo.963154del


Cargo plane crashes into sea off Ivory Coast in heavy rain


An aircraft has crashed into the sea off Ivory Coast, shortly after taking off from the international airport of the main city Abidjan, with reports of several dead or injured people.

It was a cargo plane carrying freight for the French army, security sources told local news site Koaci.
贴图机器人F9117/10/16(一)01:13:13 ID:CuPo0h2cNo.963287del

Ron Arad’s pilot retires from El Al


Yishai Aviram, the former fighter pilot who sat in the cockpit with navigator Ron Arad on the fateful flight before he was captured, flew his last flight as a pilot for El Al Israel Airlines on Monday.

Aviram, who flew a Boeing 737 from Frankfurt, was met on the tarmac at Ben-Gurion Airport by firefighters who sprayed the fuselage with water to mark the occasion.

According to a report in Yediot Aharonot, the 65-yearold lieutenant-colonel will not hang up his wings but will continue as a flight instructor.
無名17/10/16(一)10:45:20 ID:DDujVGosNo.963319del
贴图机器人F9117/10/16(一)19:08:08 ID:CuPo0h2cNo.963370del

