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無題無名17/12/14(四)18:07:39 ID:hN8EoeT6No.972743del
無名17/12/14(四)22:09:11 ID:XvSnhcroNo.972757del
チン・コジラ17/12/14(四)22:58:57 ID:HeaD4yHMNo.972771del

Navy ships in deadly crashes failed to meet training requirements


Both the USS Fitzgerald and the USS John S. McCain had a significant number of expired training certifications, some of which were outdated for more than two years, according to a new Government Accountability Office report cited by CNN.

In September, John Pendleton of the GAO said 37% of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers based out of Japan had expired warfare certifications.

The GAO report also found that a reduction in crew sizes was contributing to safety risks, with some sailors working over 100 hours a week and there was limited training because of an increased demand for operations.
