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無題無名17/12/27(三)17:40:08 ID:TizN24hINo.974391del
無名17/12/27(三)17:43:54 ID:liqfrFVgNo.974393del
チン・コジラ17/12/27(三)19:12:34 ID:dgVNW/ZINo.974428del
Moff Jerjerrod:
"The Emperor's coming here?"
Darth Vader:
"That is correct, Commander. And he is most displeased
with your apparent lack of progress."
Moff Jerjerrod:
"We shall double our efforts."
Darth Vader:
"I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The Emperor is not as
forgiving as I am."
- Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Movie: 1983)
