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無題無名18/01/02(二)17:30:54 ID:0QeoGPmcNo.975392del
ガメラ @ 横浜派 + 全国制覇18/01/02(二)19:33:35 ID:cWzEUON6No.975435del
Reminds me of:


Former Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek’s spiritual journey


In the midst of a military campaign against a rebellious general, Chiang found himself surrounded, with capture and death imminent.
He spotted a local Christian chapel, entered it, and told God that he would become a follower of Christ if he survived.
A heavy snowstorm impeded his enemy’s advance, and Chiang’s forces gained the victory.
He was baptized by Bishop Kuang in 1930.
When asked why he had become a Christian, he replied, “I feel the need of a God such as Jesus Christ.”
