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撞了,炸了無名18/04/16(一)12:53:58 ID:EphbUSm6No.986359del

Tank rolls down slope while soldiers from 74th Battalion of the 188th Brigade help in effort to thwart attempted smuggling on Israel-Sinai border; tank shell catches fire, killing tank driver and injuring three other members of the team; IDF still investigating incident.
朝雾阳子控18/04/16(一)22:13:14 ID:S.uDbt1oNo.986403del


His three tank teammates remain hospitalized at the Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva.
Two of them remain in serious condition while the third is in light condition.

As the forces were maneuvering, one Merkava Mark III tank was moving towards one of the military posts when it rolled three meters down a slope at the Nitzana stream, even though according to the IDF the tank was supposed to be able to handle such an incline.

A blaze then broke out inside the tank, caused by one of its shells catching fire for reasons yet unknown.
The tank's Spectronix fire detection system extinguished the fire, saving the lives of the three soldiers who were injured in the incident.

Drori, who was driving the tank, was killed, but it is yet unclear if he died in the fire or as a result of the fire suppression materials.
He was not hurt when the tank rolled down the slope.
