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軍武ガメラ @ 横浜派 + 全国制覇18/05/25(五)14:54:38 ID:OapFMslQNo.990899del
阳子狂热者18/05/25(五)18:49:05 ID:EkypyqtENo.990914del


Boris Johnson lays wreath in Argentina for Falklands soldiers

UK foreign secretary also plans to hold talks with president Mauricio Macri


While in Buenos Aires, he will attend a meeting of G20 foreign ministers and hold bilateral talks with the president of Argentina, Mauricio Macri.
The two have known each other since Macri was mayor of Buenos Aires and Johnson was the mayor of London.

Johnson has already visited Peru, and will end his trip in Chile.
Throughout the trip, he has stressed his enthusiasm for boosting trade with the region.
