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瑞典獅鷲戰機投放炸彈滅森林大火無名18/07/28(六)15:26:29 ID:uCFGqrdANo.998551del

The Drive報導,瑞典中部的森林大火可能波及艾夫達倫市(Älvdalen),附近有軍事演訓場,可能有不少未爆彈,將會對消防員構成危險。基於這些擔憂,瑞典停止派出消防人員到當地,改用直升機和滅火飛機來空中灑水,不幸的是,可能沒有灑對位置,灑水的效果並不好。

於是在7月25日,瑞典空軍第17中隊的JAS-39C獅鷲戰機( Gripen)在燃燒的森林中投下了一枚500磅重的GBU-49導引炸彈。國家廣播公司解釋:「投彈的爆炸威力可以從火災中除去氧氣,造成區域的真空,就能有效的撲滅當地火災。」
無名18/07/28(六)16:08:18 ID:Q3VKYFhMNo.998559del
极超重度阳子控18/07/28(六)18:45:47 ID:n/hgItwUNo.998579del


Sweden Dropped a Laser-Guided Bomb on a Forest Fire


How does it work? A sudden change of pressure will blow the flames of a fire off its fuel source, in this case burning trees, brush, and undergrowth.
The same thing happens when you blow out the candles on a birthday cake, separating the flames of the candle from the wick.
Engineers use the same principle, utilizing explosive charges, to extinguish fires at oil wells.

This is not the only example of man bombing nature.
In 1935, General George S. Patton bombed Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano to stop a lava eruption.
(Spoiler: it probably didn’t work.)
In 2016, the Russian Aerospace Force dispatched Su-34 strike jets to bomb river ice and get the river flowing again.
China has also used H-6 bombers to dislodge river ice.
